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Monday, December 31, 2012

new, best funniest collection

Sunday, November 18, 2012

free jokes in Hindi

☻I may not always give
whats expected in friendship.
I may get busy with my own life
but deep inside Me,
lives a heart that values you
more than you’ll ever know!!

☻Friendship is just like cricket,
so do not loose wickets..
if u loose that wickets
may be you have a defeat…
so don’t neglect friends.

☻Keep the lamp of friendship
burning with oil of Love,
because Sun rises in the east
and set in the west
but the Friendship rises in the Heart
and sets after death.

☻FRiEND in different lanaguages...
Iranian - DOST
German - FREUND
Herbew - CHAVER
French - AMi
Pinoy - KAiBiGAN
Dutch - VREND
Mexican - AMiGO

beautiful photos of girls

For me.. just simply "YOU"

☻The best friend is one with whom
you sit on a bench saying nothing and
when you get up and go!
you feel you had the
best conversation of life!

☻A 5 year old boy asked his friend.
What is friendship?
He replied: Friendship is when you rob my chocolate
every day from my bag.
I still keep it in same place.

☻Time might lead me to nowhere
& faith might break into pieces
but I will always be THANKFUL
that once in my life’s journey we became FRIENDS!

☻Relationship requires little efforts.
Even when friends are busy with their own lives,
a simple sms reminds each other that….
“You are not forgotten”

☻Never Ever Try To Examine Friendship
because Friends Are Like Diamonds
When You Hit Them They Don’t Break
But May Slip Away From Your Life

Saturday, November 17, 2012

friendship is a public book

☻Love is a diary that only one person writes
friendship is a public book
where you study in library.
So what do you prefer?
A diary o a public book.

☻A true friend is someone
who thinks that you are a good egg
even though he knows
that you are slightly cracked.

☻There is a gift that gold cannot buy,
A blessing that’s rare true,
That’s the gift of a wonderful friend,
Like the friend that I have in you!

Contact Me For Friendship

Contact Me For Friendship

☻Old friends are gold!
New friends are diamonds!
If you get diamonds,
don’t forget gold.
Because only gold can hold a diamond.

☻If someone asks me
what is meant by life.?
I would sit next to my friends
Pull them close together
Put my arms around them
and say proudly
These IDIOTS are my Life”

☻You are for me as a
cheese for pizza,
passport for visa,
butter for bread,
needle for thread,
cream for cake,
water for lake,
leaf for tree,
friend for me.

most beautiful women in the world

most beautiful women in the world

☻You are for me as a
cheese for pizza,
passport for visa,
butter for bread,
needle for thread,
cream for cake,
water for lake,
leaf for tree,
friend for me.

☻Love is like chewing gum
it tastes only in the beginning
But friendship is like chocolate
it tastes till it ends.